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Whitby, England

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Morning Glory Antiques & Jewelry

Costume Jewelry Magazine

Whitby, England
Home of Victorian Jet Jewelry

River Esk, Whitby, North Yorkshire, England.
Shops and restaurants line the river on both sides.
WHITBY MUSEUM and Pannett Art Gallery

River Esk, Whitby

View from the front of Whitby Museum Front of Whitby Museum

View from the front of Whitby Museum

To Whitby Museum View from the front of Whitby Museum looking over to
Whitby Abbey

WHITBY, North Yorkshire,
Northeast sea coast of England
Whitby Museum The bench and park in front of the Whitby Museum.

Path up from White Linen Bed & Breakfast up to Whitby Museum

Arguments Yard in Whitby Whitby Whitby shops

VICTORIAN jet worker’s tools as shown in Helen Muller’s book "Jet". I was
surprised to see how primitive some of the actual tools were, homemade and
well used. The artistry in the hand best carved jet jewelry is amazing.

VICTORIAN carved jet bar
brooch with ammonite insert, 2". See similar brooch on page 50 of Helen
Muller’s book "Jet".
Whitby, England, is
known for it’s ammonites.

VICTORIAN jet worker’s tools as shown in Helen
Muller’s book "Jet". A shop in Whitby still has an original display very
much like this showing a complete workshop and original tools from over 100
years ago.

VICTORIAN jet jewelry with painted portrait and floral centers.

on Victorian Jet Jewelry
By Katy Muller & Helen Muller

VICTORIAN Whitby jet
hand carved brooch and earrings with painted porcelain ovals of cherubs
and flowers, a rare set with wonderful detailing. #VHM3

For more information about JET and other Victorian
black jewelry we recommend the excellent book ‘Jet’ by Helen Muller.

Order a brand new black and white re-print of the original publication
of "JET" by Helen Muller with front cover in color. The first book
about jet jewelry and ornaments ever published, it covers the
history, geology and materials used to simulate jet

(vulcanite, bog oak, pressed horn, etc.)

as well as jet itself. There are 149 pages with
wonderful black and white illustrations.

This book and the newer edition are available on Amazon.

"Jet" by Helen Muller

Helen Muller
with a small potted Monkey Puzzle tree in the foreground. Fossilized
Monkey Puzzle is what jet comes from.