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KENTUCKY antique cherry four poster bed with hand turned posts. It was originally a rope bed but we have made it able to take a standard size mattress, and we sleep very comfortably on it every night. This is a family piece on the King/Negley side of our family, and it was made between 1840 and 1860. #f31225 |
KENTUCKY step back cherry dresser with mirror, two smaller top glove drawers and three bottom drawers. The lovely smooth finish on this is original and just satin like. This is a family piece on the King/Negley side of our family and from the mid-1800s. View View View #f31224 |
KENTUCKY Victorian lovely antique three drawer dresser with arched back plate. This is a family piece on the King/Negley side of the family. It is 29" by 17". View #f31226
VICTORIAN 1840 Empire veneered game table with top that opens on a hinge and swivels to form a square game table. This came from the Agnes King Negley home at 1414 Waverly Place, Owensboro, Kentucky and I assume was in her family before that. Circa 1840 Empire style, New York made, and the base is called a "guitar base". The portrait above it is of Charles Farrow Negley. |
VICTORIAN fern stand in pineapple design. The top was tiled by my mother in the 1960s because it had water damage. This was a family piece and came from the Negley side of our family. View View #f31228 |
Some of our family antique furniture came from Rosa Lee Negley, Cornelia "Sissie" |
VICTORIAN Eastlake walnut captains chest with black teardrop handles and a side-locking panel. This unusual piece was found at an auction and beautifully refinished, and it is probably from the late 1880s. |
BEDROOM upholstered side chair. This was in the house on Monroe in Albuquerque the whole time we lived there from about 1955 to 1970s and has been with us since then. It is even older than that, though, and it has been reupholstered in the 1970s. The original fabric was a scratchy deep purple fabric. I enjoy the graceful lines. #f31227 |
VICTORIAN antique cherry dining table with leaves and needlepoint covered chairs that look just right with it. In the background is an antique caned bottom and back rocking chair that belonged to our Aunt Cornelia Negley. |
RARE La Fiesta |
This new furniture style was uniquely Western, combining influences from |
This complete 8-piece dining set include the |
We had a
Clocks of all kinds and all ages |