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Haskell Advertising & Art Work

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Art Work & Advertising

Original Jewelry Art
Work for Advertising

These are gouache on illustration board art work
illustrations of Haskell
Jewelry, many attributed to Larry Austin, about whom little is known. As you
can see they are slightly larger than life, but they very accurately depict the jewelry of
that era in all it’s lush beaded splendor. These would have been used to
promote Miriam Haskell Jewelry in shops and publications, circa 1930-40s

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advertisement for a Frank Hess designed green glass beads brooch and coil bracelet illustrated in
an original painting on illustration board by advertising artist Larry Austin. Not only
is the jewelry beautiful, but her hat and furs are as well. Her furs are
wonderfully illustrated in a detailed way and her look is typical of the
1940s, including the hat with a veil, what a joy to see! This is about 8" by
10". Illustrations like this would have been sent to the shops
and boutiques that handled Haskell jewelry. #H42092

advertising art work by Larry Austin, an 8" by 10"
original on illustration board. Pictured is a
wonderful Frank Hess for Miriam Haskell coil bracelet and tiara of red glass
beads and glass pearls in a gold tone setting. She wears a typical jacket
from the 1940s post-war era with the exaggerated shoulders.
Illustrations like this would have been sent to the shops and boutiques that
handled Haskell jewelry. #H42135

advertising art work by Larry Austin, an 8" by 10"
original on illustration board. The lady wears an
amazing set of a coil bracelet and lariat necklace that seem to be made of
green poured glass and glass beads. What fun the feather in her hat
is as well as her lovely dress, so typical of that post-war 1940s era with
the padded shoulders and nipped in waist! Illustrations like
this would have been sent to the shops and boutiques that handled
Haskell jewelry. #H42112

HASKELL Hess lush blue glass
leaves, flowers and beads necklace, coil bracelet, brooch and earrings, circa 1930’s, 16-1/2" by 3-1/3".

Blue glass beads and leaves
set off by dimensional, cobalt blue floral beads and lighter blue glass

View View #H34279

Larry Austin original watercolor art work advertising illustration for Haskell
bracelet and lariat clip/necklace of pastel blue glass leaves and beads, marked in
pencil on the back "930A" and "left", 8" x 10". #H27268

blue glass beads and leaves coil bracelet, 7". See Gordon & Pamfiloff’s
"Miriam Haskell Jewelry" page 129 and in Cera’s "Jewels of Miriam
Haskell" page 21.



View #H19622

Hess early unsigned pin of blue glass leaves and flowers with blue and
lavender glass beads, circa 1940, 3-5/8" by 3".

Larry Austin watercolor used as an advertisement for a blue glass
beads and leaves set. View

early unsigned blue glass leaves and beads coil bracelet, 7". View
View #H19622

HASKELL Hess original art work
jewelry advertisement by Larry Austin showing a Hess necklace and
bracelet of red, pink beads and tiny yellow and white beads on a lady
wearing a gray with white polka dots dress and hat, foil "Miriam
Haskell" tag on the front, marked #922B" on the back, circa 1940, 8" by
10". #H37379

HASKELL Hess original art work
jewelry advertisement by Larry Austin showing a lady wearing the pink,
blue and clear coil bracelet and clip, foil "Miriam Haskell" tag on the
front and marked in pencil on the back, "#351 3/15/37", circa 1937, 8"
by 10" . View
View #H37380

HASKELL Hess original art
work jewelry advertisement by Larry Austin showing a lady in white wearing a
wonderful blue glass bead lariat necklace and coil bracelet, foil "Miriam
Haskell" tag on the front, marked in pencil "#694" on the back, circa 1940, 8"
by 10". View #H37381

HASKELL Larry Austin original
watercolor advertising illustration for Haskell white glass bead and leaves
bracelet and clip with foil "Miriam Haskell" sticker, 8" by 10", written in pencil on the back "
#1032". #H23629

HASKELL Hess white glass roses,
leaves and beads lariat necklace, 4-strand, circa 1935, 27" total length and
3" wide clips. This lariat can be seen in a Larry Austin ART
gouache for their advertising.
View #H34132

Larry Austin original watercolor advertising illustration for Haskell pink
glass beads and leaves bracelet and clip, foil "Miriam
Haskell" sticker, 8" by 10", written in pencil on the back
#615. #H24366

HASKELL Larry Austin
advertising art work and matching jewelry. Pieces of this set can be
seen in "Miriam Haskell Jewelry" by Gordon & Pamfiloff, pages 161.

chartreuse, burnt sienna and tan flattened glass beads and gold tone leaves expansion
bracelet, 3-1/4" front, and matching 4" clip. #H26051

HASKELL Larry Austin
original watercolor advertising illustration for Haskell flattened bead and
leaves bracelet and clip,
numbered "815" on back in pencil, 8" by 10".
View #H26053

HASKELL Hess tan, coral and
chartreuse flattened glass beads dress clips, brooch and bracelet with gold
tone nasturtium leaves #H26051

early unsigned Frank Hess chartreuse and green glass beads and wooden
leaves brooch with gold tone lily pads, circa 1935-40, 4".
View #H26052

HASKELL Larry Austin
original watercolor advertising illustration for Haskell flattened bead and
metal leaves bracelet and clip with foil "Miriam
Haskell" sticker, 8" by 10", framed so back is not visible.

unsigned Frank Hess design from the 1940’s. This 4" dress clip is made up of
chartreuse, coral and tan
flattened glass beads. View

This tidbit from
Harper’s Bazaar April 1933,

almost 100 years ago when American was still reeling from the effects of
the Great Depression.

"It doesn’t do to look dreary, even if your heart is breaking. If you
can’t buy a new dress, or even if you can, go to Miriam Haskell in the
Heckscher Building. The most imaginative and smart costume jewelry
going is being sold there for next to nothing. She dotes on single clips
made like clusters of grapes. These are in all sorts of composition
stones, and there are very nice ones for a dollar. The ensemble is well
worked out, and each clip has a bracelet, some of them for two dollars,
some for more, and some of them have necklaces and woven collarettes as
well. White bead fruit clusters with dull metal leaves are exceedingly
quaint and European looking. We wore a set and were asked by all our
friends where in Paris we found them. Hawaiian coral is rather carrot
colored, very bright and very cheap. For sports wear you will lose your
mind over the deep brown cord bracelet which buttons closed, like a
cuff, over four or five huge yellow bead buttons. There are clips to go
with this. There are braided necklaces for evening and modern versions
of the dog collar and wonderful concoctions which get right away from
the conventional string-of-beads you’re all so sick of. A really
fascinating shop, this, and guaranteed to make a new woman out of you."

(Courtesy of Pat Seal, March 2015)

HASKELL Hess jewelry
illustrated in Larry Austin original art work, this one shows the wooden
and glass beaded coil bracelet and clip on a lady wearing a gray and
white top and hat, circa 1940.

View #H37314

HASKELL early Hess wooden
beads and glass seed beads coil bracelet, 6", showing the woven coil
cover construction of the bracelet. See a bracelet in this series in
Carole Tanenbaum’s "Fabulous Fakes" on page 100.This kind of work was
extremely labor intensive, and could only have been done back in a time
when labor was much less expensive.
View #H22088

HASKELL Hess original art work
jewelry advertisement by Larry Austin showing a lady wearing the tiny
wood florets coil bracelet and open oval brooch, foil "Miriam Haskell"
tag on the front, marked in pencil on the back, "342 3/5/37", circa
1937, 8" by 10". #H37378

HASKELL Hess jewelry
illustrated in what is possibly a Larry Austin original art work, this one shows the silvery leaves
and blue glass bead coil bracelet, hair clip and dress clip on a lady wearing a
white dress, circa 1940.
View #H37316

HASKELL Hess original art work
jewelry advertisement, possibly by Larry Austin, showing a lady wearing the pink,
blue and clear coil bracelet and clip, foil "Miriam Haskell" tag on the
front and marked in pencil on the back, "#351 3/15/37", circa 1937, 8"
by 10" . #H37380

HASKELL Hess jewelry illustrated in
Larry Austin original art work, this one shows the silvery leaves and blue glass
bead coil bracelet, hair clip and dress clip on a lady wearing a white dress,
circa 1940. View

jewelry designed by Frank Hess in this Larry Austin
art work advertisement illustrating a coil bracelet and lariat necklace
made of artificial pearls, glass beads and gold tone leaves, circa 1940.
The lovely lady is wearing a coral colored dress and fur hat. Marked
"#1227A" on the back of the 8" by 10" illustration board, there is also
glitter on the front to highlight the jewelry. #H37723

Hess dress clips with glass pearls, aqua
and cranberry transparent glass beads set in antiqued silver tone
flowers with clear rhinestone accents, set of two pieces circa 1940,
2-1/2" each. More pieces of this set and the art work that illustrates
it can be seen in Deanna Cera’s book "Jewels of Miriam Haskell" on page 90-91.
These can also be seen in "Miriam Haskell Jewelry" by Gordon &
Pamfiloff, page 137 and the advertising art work for it on page 94.



jewelry designed by Frank Hess in this Larry Austin
art work advertisement illustrating a blue glass beads clip, bracelet
and hair comb, circa 1940. The lovely lady wears a white fur over her
shoulder and a sheer pink dress, along with her coil bracelet, clip and
hair comb. Marked "#847A" on the back, this is done on an 8" by 10"
illustration board with the jewelry highlighted with glitter. #H37724

MIRIAM HASKELL early unsigned aqua glass beads wrap
and clear rhinestone leaves wrap necklace, 21" long with 2" each clips.
View #H23378

HASKELL Larry Austin original
watercolor advertising illustration for Haskell aqua glass bead and
rhinestone pave leaf cluster wrap necklace #H23378, foil "Miriam Haskell"
sticker, 8" by 10", written in pencil on the back #554.

MIRIAM HASKELL early unsigned aqua glass bead and
artificial pearl dress clips, set of 2. View


Larry Austin original watercolor advertising illustration for Haskell
bracelet and clips/necklace, lady in furs, written in pencil on the
back #1160.
View #H27270

MIRIAM HASKELL Hess pink and yellow violets and
green glass leaves dress clip, 3-1/3". See similar bracelet
to this set on page 151 of Gordon & Pamfiloff’s "Miriam Haskell Jewelry"
View #H35547

MIRIAM HASKELL Larry Austin original
watercolor advertising illustration for Haskell violets bracelet and clip,
foil "Miriam Haskell" sticker, 8" by 10", written in pencil on
the back #972C. #H23351

original gouache art work showing Frank Hess designed bead clip and coil
bracelet with green glass leaves, 8" by 10". #H36592


HASKELL illustrated jewelry, advertising art work possibly by
Larry Austin, illustrating a Hess clip
in red or coral beads or sea shells with seed bead tips, 7" by 9-1/4" with silver paint.
View #H36942

MIRIAM HASKELL Hess jewelry illustrated in
Larry Austin original art work, this one shows the silvery leaves and blue glass
bead coil bracelet, hair clip and dress clip on a lady wearing a white dress,
circa 1940.


original watercolor advertising illustration for Haskell seed bead and
leaves bracelet and clip with foil "Miriam Haskell" sticker, 8" by 10",
written in pencil on the back #825. #H23352

Hess white glass bugle beaded flower necklace with yellow bead center
and green pressed glass leaves, four strand necklace, circa 1940, 15" by 3",
of white
beads and green glass leaves, 3" by 4", set of 2.
The clip can be
seen in "Miriam Haskell Jewelry" by Gordon and Pamfiloff, page 142. This
group is also illustrated in the Larry Austin ad art work
. According to Larry Vrba, this design was a great favorite of Frank
View #H32344 &
Larry Austin original watercolor advertising illustration for Haskell glass
flowers necklace, bracelet and clip, with foil "Miriam Haskell" sticker,
numbered #667. #H24367

Hess yellow flattened glass bead coil bracelet and
brooch with green enamel and gold tone leaves and gold tone seed beads.
A Frank Hess design for Miriam Haskell, it is unsigned as was typical
for this era, circa 1940. This style can be seen in "Miriam Haskell
Jewelry" by Gordon & Pamfiloff, page 116.
View #H36111

MIRIAM HASKELL Larry Austin original
gouache art work showing Frank Hess designed flattened glass bead lariat
and coil bracelet, numbered in pencil "#1625A" on the back, 8" by 10".
View #H35518

MIRIAM HASKELL original art work for an
advertisement for Haskell Frank Hess jewelry, 8-1/3" by 10".

early unsigned aqua glass bead necklace, each bead ornamented with gold
tone seed beads circa 1940, 15-1/2". According to Larry Vrba,
head designer for Haskell from 1970-78, these irregularly shaped glass
beads were imported from China and used by the thousands. They were
still there during his time at Haskell.
View #H28673

group as illustrated by Larry Austin art work for an advertisement for
the jewelry shown at both right and left, marked "1195" on the back,
painted on illustration board. #H34389

unsigned clip of aqua glass beads and lovely gold tone findings, 4".
According to Larry Vrba, head designer for Haskell form 1970-78, these
irregularly shaped glass beads were imported from China and used by the
thousands. They were still there during his time at Haskell. View #H19736

MIRIAM HASKELL Larry Austin original
art work of an aqua glass beads cluster necklace, numbered on the back
"#1203A", 8" by 10". This is a slightly different version of the
illustration #H34389 above.
View #H34992

MIRIAM HASKELL Hess aqua glass beads
cluster necklace with lovely glass beads, 16" with 3-1/4" front drop.
View #H34993

art work and jewelry.

View All

HASKELL original gouache for a
circa 1940s advertisement with foil "Miriam Haskell" sticker. "Austin" and the
number "1269" written in pencil on the back. #H

HASKELL early unsigned
blue glass beads dress clip with clear rhinestone leaves, 3-1/2".
View #H26799

HASKELL Larry Austin original
watercolor advertising illustration for Haskell blue bead bracelet and
necklace with foil "Miriam Haskell" sticker, 8" by 10", signed in
pencil on the back "Austin" and numbered "1259". #H23353

original gouache art work showing Frank Hess designed necklace and coil
bracelet of carved wooden flowers and beads, 8" by 10".
View #H36593

HASKELL Hess designed gold tone leaves and
brown wood beads and flowers lariat necklace, 27" total length with 2-1/2" by 1-7/8"
clips along with the advertising art work.

Frank Hess for Miriam Haskell, it is unsigned as was typical for this
era, circa 1940.

original gouache art work showing Frank Hess designed white glass beads and
leaves lariat and coil bracelet, 8" by 10" #H36594

original gouache art work showing Frank Hess designed bead clip and coil
bracelet with green glass leaves, 8" by 10". #H36592

Hess yellow flattened glass bead coil bracelet and
brooch with green enamel and gold tone leaves and gold tone seed beads.
A Frank Hess design for Miriam Haskell, it is unsigned as was typical
for this era, circa 1940. This style can be seen in "Miriam Haskell
Jewelry" by Gordon & Pamfiloff, page 116 and 254.
View #H36111

HASKELL Larry Austin original
gouache art work showing Frank Hess designed flattened glass bead lariat
and coil bracelet, numbered in pencil "#1625A" on the back, 8" by 10".
View #H35518

HASKELL bar pin of aqua glass beads and pearls mounted on gilt metal flowers, 1930s
unsigned, 4" by 1-5/8". See Gordon & Pamfiloff’s "Miriam Haskell
Jewelry" page 97 for the Larry Austin art work showing this brooch. View

HASKELL Larry Austin original
art gouache for Frank Hess design tiny pink and blue beads hair ornament,
clip and bracelet set in gold tone leaves, has the foil label and is marked
in pencil on the back #255, 8" by 10".
View #H35517

HASKELL Hess red glass beads and
artificial pearl bar brooch and dress clip mounted on gold tone formed
flowers, really lovely, bar brooch 4" by 1-3/4".
View #H36066

HASKELL Larry Austin original
watercolor advertising illustration for a Frank Hess designed bar brooch and
coil bracelet circa 1940, 9-3/4" by 7-5/8". #H36000
early unsigned Hess cranberry glass beads dress clip with antiqued gold tone
shell motifs circa 1940, 1-3/4", set of 2.
View #H25969
HASKELL original gouache art
work illustrating Frank Hess designed clip and coil bracelet in cranberry
glass beads and gold tone leaves, 8" by 10", undecided artist.
View #H35519

HASKELL original art
gouache for Frank Hess design pastel blue beads and cord twist clip and
bracelet, has the foil label and a pencil mark "#125" on the back, 8" by
10", undecided who the artist was. View #H35516
HASKELL acorn pin with brown glass beads and seed beads
and green cord, 2-1/2". View

jewelry designed by Frank Hess illustrated in this Larry
Austin art work advertisement illustrating a lady in wooden beads necklace and
bracelet wearing a burgundy dress and turban, circa 1940. It is marked on the
back "#1113A", and done on an 8" by 10" illustration board.


HASKELL original gouache art
work, probably by Larry Austin. Advertising a Miriam Haskell stick coral
coil bracelet and clip, numbered #1067 on the back, 8" by 10".

HASKELL original gouache art
work, probably by Larry Austin. Advertising Miriam Haskell jewelry, a
bracelet and dress clip with heart-shaped glass beads and pressed glass
leaves, numbered "#82" in pen on the back, 8" by 10". #H31845

Larry Austin original watercolor advertising illustration for Haskell white
beads bracelet and clip, "right" penciled on back, 8" x 10".

illustrations from 1930-1940s
Haskell used the original art work to create both
the glossy and parchment advertisements shown below. These were distributed to the shops and
boutiques who carried Haskell jewelry in the 1930-40s. Some of these are
signed by Miriam Haskell, and some of the "Haskell" signatures were done by
others at the time. These are often matted, as you can see here.

advertisement copy on textured parchment paper circa
1940, a copy of a gouache art work illustrating Hess clip and coil bracelet
in cranberry glass beads and gold tone leaves, tan matte is 8" by 10". This
is the original 1940s ad and matte. Haskell used three types of these ads:
the original gouache art work by Larry Austin, the glossy copies of that art
work, and the parchment copies like this one. #H36299

glossy advertisement circa 1940, a copy of a
gouache art work illustrating a Frank Hess designed clip and coil
bracelet, 3-5/8" by 4-5/8" glossy, hand signed, partial sticker on the
back, blue matte 6-1/2" by 5-1/4". This is the original 1940s ad and
matte. Haskell used three types of these ads: the original gouache art
work by Larry Austin, the glossy copies of that art work, and the
parchment copies. This is a glossy.



HASKELL advertisement a
glossy, hand signed piece illustrating a Frank Hess clip and bracelet, it is
3-1/4" by 5-1/4" and matted in a salmon 5" by 7-1/4" matte. This is the
original 1940s ad and matte. Haskell used three types of these ads: the
original gouache art work by Larry Austin, the glossy copies of that art
work, and the parchment copies. This is a glossy. #H27277

c 1940 advertisement illustrating a Frank Hess clip and bracelet
a woman wearing a brown suit and hat with a clip and bracelet made of brass
leaves with pale aqua beads, Miriam Haskell hand signed, matted in salmon.
The glossy size is 3" by 5" glossy and the matte size 5" by 7", slight
damage to glossy finish upper left corner, hard to see. Haskell used three types of these ads: the
original gouache art work by Larry Austin, the glossy copies of that art
work, and the parchment copies. This is a glossy.


c 1940 advertisement illustrating a Frank Hess clip and
bracelet, a woman wearing a brown suit and hat and a bracelet and clip
with golden dangling balls. Matted in aqua, the glossy is 4" by 4-1/2"
glossy and blue matte 6-1/4" by 7-1/4" and shows light stains. This is
the original 1940s ad and matte. Haskell used three types of these ads:
the original gouache art work by Larry Austin, the glossy copies of that
art work like this one, and the parchment copies. #H27284

on paper, matted as a set of two, 4-1/2" by 6-1/2"
each. #H17672a

5-1/4" by 7-1/4", hand signed and matted in tan. #H27273

HASKELL advertisement
glossy, 3" by 3-3/4"
glossy matted in brown 5" by 7" matte, stamped "Miriam Haskell" on the back.
View #H27272

HASKELL 1940s advertisement for
a clip and bracelet on parchment type paper, stamped "Miriam Haskell" on the
front, mounted in a 8" by
10" cream matte. View

, 4" by 4-5/8" glossy in aqua matte advertising a
stick coral and glass beads clip and coil bracelet, two alike. One has a
sticker on the back, "Attractive Announcements Will Appear Regularly in
Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, and Town & Country during 1946". #H27275 &

advertising a stick coral and glass beads clip and coil bracelet,
matted as a set of two, 4-1/2" by 6-1/2" each. #H17672b

on paper advertising a stick coral and glass beads clip and
coil bracelet, 5-1/3" by 7-1/3", hand signed and matted in
pink. #H27278

HASKELL 1940s advertisement for
a coral clip and bracelet, 4" by 4-5/8" glossy mounted in a 5-1/3" by
6-1/4" pale blue matte.

#H 27276
1940s advertisement on parchment style paper for a coral clip and
bracelet, 8" by 10-1/2" mounted in a gray 11" by 13-1/2" gray matt.
View #H27279

HASKELL AD on paper
advertising a stick coral and glass beads clip and coil bracelet, 8" by
10-1/2", hand signed and matted in gray. #H27279

3" by 3-3/4" glossy, stamped "Miriam Haskell" on the back, matted in
tan. #H27281

HASKELL advertisement
glossy, 3" by 3-3/4"
glossy matted in brown 5" by 7" matte, stamped "Miriam Haskell" on the back. Small dot of lighter color on front right bottom,
original to the piece. View

advertisement for a clip and bracelet, 5" by 6-3/4" mounted in a black 8" by
10" matte.

HASKELL AD on paper, 5" by
7", matted in cream. #H27285

on paper, 5-1/2" by 7-1/2", hand signed, matted in aqua.

HASKELL AD on paper, 8" by
10", matted in cream. #H27286

HASKELL AD 3-1/2" by 4-1/2" glossy,
matted in aqua, printed information on the back, circa 1940.
Back #H27287

HASKELL advertisement glossy, 3" by 3-3/4"
glossy matted in brown 5" by 7" matte, stamped "Miriam Haskell" on the back.
View #H27288

HASKELL AD 5" by 7" on
parchment paper,
matted in cream. #H27289

HASKELL AD illustrating red
grapes motif clip and bracelet, paper 5" by
7-1/3", hand signed and matted in aqua. #H27334

HASKELL advertisement for a
daisy clip and bracelet, 4-5/8" by 6-5/8" on paper, mounted in an 8" by 10" deep green
matte, circa 1940. View

HASKELL AD 3" by 5" glossy,
hand signed and matted in rose pink. #H27291

HASKELL AD on paper, 3" by
3-3/4", stamped on back "Miriam Haskell", matted in gray.

HASKELL AD on paper, 8" by
10", matted in cream. #H27293

flier announcing advertising plans.

HASKELL Attractive
Announcements Will Appear Regularly in Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, and Town &
Country during 1946.

HASKELL flier announcing
advertising plans.

Miriam Haskell signature.

Miriam Haskell signature.

Miriam Haskell signature.

Miriam Haskell signature.

Miriam Haskell signature.

Miriam Haskell signature.

Miriam Haskell signature.

Signature NOT done by Miriam Haskell

Miriam Haskell Magazine Advertisements

magazine advertisement for a wonderful cascading
pearls and rose montee necklace and earrings. At the edge of the ad is
the word "Infanta" and the prices "$7.50 to $75.00", but no date is
given.. #H39084