ROBERT necklace extension with pink and red rhinestones in a gold wire work filigree setting

ROBERT necklace extension with pink and red rhinestones in a gold wire work filigree setting, is 16″ with a 3-1/2″ wide front element and a 1/2″ wide braided gold tone mesh.  This is not signed but is a perfect match for other pieces we have had by Robert. This VIEW and the last photo shows … Continue reading “ROBERT necklace extension with pink and red rhinestones in a gold wire work filigree setting”

HOBE set of bracelet and brooch with pink and green rhinestones, both hand made in filigree wire work

HOBE set of bracelet and brooch with pink and green rhinestones, both hand made in filigree wire work in about 1945.  On the bracelet, every other link is an open filigree, an unusual design, and it is 7″ by 7/8″.  The brooch has a place on the back to run a chain through so it … Continue reading “HOBE set of bracelet and brooch with pink and green rhinestones, both hand made in filigree wire work”

HOBE set of a bracelet, brooch and earrings all in citrine green, pink and clear rhinestones set in gold washed sterling filigree

HOBE set of a bracelet, brooch and earrings all in citrine green, pink and clear rhinestones set in gold washed sterling filigree.  The bracelet is circa 1948, 7″ by 3/4″.  On the back of the clasp is etched “BXCXX” and the numbers “L3603”.  It can be seen in Christie Romero’s “Warman’s Jewelry, 3rd Ed, on … Continue reading “HOBE set of a bracelet, brooch and earrings all in citrine green, pink and clear rhinestones set in gold washed sterling filigree”

DEROSA bracelet and earrings in clear rhinestones set into gold and silver tone metal filigree

DEROSA bracelet and earrings in clear rhinestones set into gold and silver tone metal filigree, a dazzling set by a wonderful jewelry maker.  The bracelet is 6-3/4″ long and 1-7/8″ wide and it is not signed, but it’s a perfect match to the clip back earrings, which are signed on the back, and they are … Continue reading “DEROSA bracelet and earrings in clear rhinestones set into gold and silver tone metal filigree”

DRAGONFLY sterling and enamel dragonfly brooch or pendant with filigree wings, could be Chinese

DRAGONFLY sterling and enamel dragonfly brooch or pendant with filigree wings, aqua glass or turquoise eyes, and a segmented moveable tail.  This may be a Chinese piece and it has a gold wash over the sterling.  Marked “S925S” on the back for sterling and just “925” at the top of the loop.  The cobalt blue … Continue reading “DRAGONFLY sterling and enamel dragonfly brooch or pendant with filigree wings, could be Chinese”