VICTORIAN agate buckle or garter brooch with colorful agates

VICTORIAN agate buckle or garter brooch with colorful agates set in sterling silver with etched designs around the agates, circa 1880, 2-1/4″ by 1-3/4″.  There is a bend on the back, not affecting the brooch at all but mentioned for accuracy.   View   View   #V38421   $148.00

VICTORIAN agate oval brooch patchwork of agates

VICTORIAN antique agate oval brooch with a patchwork of gorgeous agates set in sterling silver, 1-3/4″ by 1-1/3″.  I rarely see a brooch with the variety of color and striation that this one has, orange, green, pale yellow and gray, really lovely and circa 1880.  View   View   #V38420   $188.00

Victorian Agate Jewelry

You are on a reference page of Morning Glory Antiques & Jewelry. These items were photographed from private collections, and are for reference only. Jewelry that we have available TO BUY can be accessed by clicking HERE Morning Glory Collects… things we love to buy, wear and share VICTORIAN and other, SCOTTISH, PEBBLE & AGATE … Continue reading “Victorian Agate Jewelry”

VICTORIAN agate bracelet with 6 rectangular carved segments

VICTORIAN agate bracelet with six rectangular carved segments in the lovely amber and orange colors.  It is 7″ wearable length by 5/8″ wide, and there are a few tiny flea bites on some edges of the links, not at all noticeable when worn, and the clasp fastens securely.   View   #V37329   $298.00

VICTORIAN Scottish agate, cairngorm and sterling bracelet heart padlock locket

VICTORIAN Scottish agate, cairngorm and sterling silver bracelet with a heart padlock locket closure, made in about 1890.  It’s a 7-1/2″ long bracelet with a 5/8″ by 3/4″ padlock that works.  The padlock has a lovely etched design in the sterling on one side and an open crystal-faced locket compartment on the other, a really … Continue reading “VICTORIAN Scottish agate, cairngorm and sterling bracelet heart padlock locket”

VICTORIAN antique Scottish agate buckle bracelet set with sterling silver

VICTORIAN antique Scottish agate buckle bracelet set in sterling silver with a safety chain.  There are beautifully etched designs on the sterling buckle, both flowers and scrolls.  There is a choice of wearable lengths, either 6-1/4″ or 7″, by about 5/8″ wide on the agate and 1″ at the widest part of the buckle.  The … Continue reading “VICTORIAN antique Scottish agate buckle bracelet set with sterling silver”