VICTORIAN French jet insect pin with flowers

VICTORIAN French jet (black glass) insect or bug pin with flowers and leaves, 1-7/8″. This whimsical combination of dragonfly and lily-of-the-valley flowers is really unusual. French jet is faceted black glass backed with black enameled metal. It is usually more shiny and the pieces much more delicate thanWhitby  jet.   View   #V35883   $198.00

Ciner Jewelry Information

You are on a reference page of Morning Glory Antiques & Jewelry. These items were photographed from private collections, and are for reference only. “Boucher” Jewelry that we have available TO BUY can be accessed by clicking HERE TO PURCHASE: You are on a reference page of Morning Glory Antiques & Jewelry. These items were … Continue reading “Ciner Jewelry Information”